10 Bible Verses about Interfaith Marriage
In this world many kinds of people already we meet, this difference we see from their country, language, religion, and ethnicity. But how about Love in Interfaith Marriage? As we know many people doing married in different beliefs. It’s allowed? What did the Bible say? Is it wrong to have an interfaith marriage?
Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?The Bible mention anything about that, some verses tell the standpoint of God against marriage different belief or religion. Thru story in the bible we can get the answer.
In Indonesia tolerant religion and friendship very important for unity, these things different in a marriage, we want to find what the word of God said about it. let’s see and read the completely below.
10 Bible Verses about Interfaith Marriage
1. 2 Corinthians 6:14,15
“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further what harmony is there between Christ and be’li-al? or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever?”
In farmers life as compare, if two animals have a different power carry unevenly yoked both of them will suffer. Thus if someone becomes unevenly yoked with unbelievers or doing marriage, both of them will be unhappy.
Everyone hasa decision on each other but before making it right, you have to think about the effect of the decision you take. Like a, could it two different beliefs strengthen the marriage? What do you think?
2. 1 Corinthians 7:12-13
“But the other I say yes, I, not the lord: if any brother has an unbelieving wife and she is agreeable to saying with him, let him not leave her; and if a woman has an unbelieving husband he is agreeable to staying with her, let her not leave her husband.”
This scripture is written for the one-make decision to marriage in different beliefs. Many experiences show it’s no happy ending. And the solution of it not divorces, as we from the bible God so hate that.
3. Colossians 3:14
“But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.”
What means is it? Love in different beliefs usually because while feeling to opposite it’s about what you feel and not what do you need. So in these things, think it deeply. Do you want to please God or yourself?
4. Ephesians 4:2
“With all humanity and mildness, with patience, putting up with one another in love.”
This attitude should Christian having. This matter especially you want to looking for someone to be your couple. How it can? Humble mildness and other us the key the best couple not just a feeling but true love forever.
5. 1 peter 4:8
“Above all things have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”
Love is medicine that can fix all the things, but our love has to honestly because we are imperfect, with love covers a multitude of sins.
6. Song of Solomon 8:6
“Place me as a seal upon your heart. As a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong death is and exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the grave. Its flame are a blazing fire the flame of Jah.”
The special gift ever is love. The bible mention how this great feeling work is as strong death is and exclusive devotion as unyielding as the grave. Its true love hasa strong desire and forgets anything that makes you feel happy all the time. But remember God gave it to wisely use accord the bible principle.
7. 1 Corinthians 7:39
“a wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death she is free to be married to whomever she wants only in the lord.”
As long as a couple living together bound each other, then if one of the death others can married again but only in the lord or one's belief.
8. 1 john 4:8
“Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.”
God is love, not ‘he also love’ but He is love. He's the one role model to show love. So definitely would you like to have a couple of life is love God and follow He role in show love?
9. 1 peter 3:4
“But let it the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.”
When we have to date with someone, what are you care about from him? Is that the beautiful or handsome face? Or what they have? These verses clearly telling what is very important, when we’re looking at humility or the secret person of the heart.
10. Genesis 2:24
“That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
So if you want to look for couple you should take the serious things, practicing what you had learned and read from bible principle that is, marriage in the same belief cause both of them will be one flesh.
Until here the practice information complete about Interfaith Marriage in the Bible verses. Hope you enjoy it and make a good decision for dating or marriage plan. The word of God can be the greatest advice reference for you and your family. God Bless and Thanks a lot.
Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?The Bible mention anything about that, some verses tell the standpoint of God against marriage different belief or religion. Thru story in the bible we can get the answer.
In Indonesia tolerant religion and friendship very important for unity, these things different in a marriage, we want to find what the word of God said about it. let’s see and read the completely below.
10 Bible Verses about Interfaith Marriage

1. 2 Corinthians 6:14,15
“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further what harmony is there between Christ and be’li-al? or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever?”
In farmers life as compare, if two animals have a different power carry unevenly yoked both of them will suffer. Thus if someone becomes unevenly yoked with unbelievers or doing marriage, both of them will be unhappy.
Everyone hasa decision on each other but before making it right, you have to think about the effect of the decision you take. Like a, could it two different beliefs strengthen the marriage? What do you think?
2. 1 Corinthians 7:12-13
“But the other I say yes, I, not the lord: if any brother has an unbelieving wife and she is agreeable to saying with him, let him not leave her; and if a woman has an unbelieving husband he is agreeable to staying with her, let her not leave her husband.”
This scripture is written for the one-make decision to marriage in different beliefs. Many experiences show it’s no happy ending. And the solution of it not divorces, as we from the bible God so hate that.
3. Colossians 3:14
“But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.”
What means is it? Love in different beliefs usually because while feeling to opposite it’s about what you feel and not what do you need. So in these things, think it deeply. Do you want to please God or yourself?
4. Ephesians 4:2
“With all humanity and mildness, with patience, putting up with one another in love.”
This attitude should Christian having. This matter especially you want to looking for someone to be your couple. How it can? Humble mildness and other us the key the best couple not just a feeling but true love forever.
5. 1 peter 4:8
“Above all things have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”
Love is medicine that can fix all the things, but our love has to honestly because we are imperfect, with love covers a multitude of sins.
6. Song of Solomon 8:6
“Place me as a seal upon your heart. As a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong death is and exclusive devotion is as unyielding as the grave. Its flame are a blazing fire the flame of Jah.”
The special gift ever is love. The bible mention how this great feeling work is as strong death is and exclusive devotion as unyielding as the grave. Its true love hasa strong desire and forgets anything that makes you feel happy all the time. But remember God gave it to wisely use accord the bible principle.
7. 1 Corinthians 7:39
“a wife is bound as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death she is free to be married to whomever she wants only in the lord.”
As long as a couple living together bound each other, then if one of the death others can married again but only in the lord or one's belief.
8. 1 john 4:8
“Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.”
God is love, not ‘he also love’ but He is love. He's the one role model to show love. So definitely would you like to have a couple of life is love God and follow He role in show love?
9. 1 peter 3:4
“But let it the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.”
When we have to date with someone, what are you care about from him? Is that the beautiful or handsome face? Or what they have? These verses clearly telling what is very important, when we’re looking at humility or the secret person of the heart.
10. Genesis 2:24
“That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh.”
So if you want to look for couple you should take the serious things, practicing what you had learned and read from bible principle that is, marriage in the same belief cause both of them will be one flesh.
Until here the practice information complete about Interfaith Marriage in the Bible verses. Hope you enjoy it and make a good decision for dating or marriage plan. The word of God can be the greatest advice reference for you and your family. God Bless and Thanks a lot.