10 Bible Verses about Thankful for Blessing
Blessings of God are very abundant for their respective people. Bearing this in mind, then what can we give to GOD? GOD never asks more from each of us. Just keep giving thanks. The Word of God itself has emphasized the importance of this in the bible verses about thankful for the blessing.
In many Bible verses, we will find principles, and examples from faithful servants of GOD. Call it the psalmist who wrote many words of praise for GOD. Not just ordinary words but showing deep gratitude.
Today even unconsciously, even though it may seem that our lives are suffering, God always takes care of His faithful servants. He always pays attention and gives what we need at the right time. Let's find out and explore the spiritual gems from the bible about thanksgiving in the Bible verse series below.
10 Bible Verses about Thankful for Blessing
1. Psalm 95:2
“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; Let us sing and shout in triumph to him.”
The Psalmist in one of these verses invites all Christians to sing a song of thanksgiving for GOD. with a joyful heart and rejoice, Because of His abundant blessings, surely we will be happy right?
Someone who gets thanks from someone else will be happy. Likewise, with our GOD, He will be very happy to know His servants rejoice because of Him.
2. Jonah 2:9
“But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving, I will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will pay. Salvation is from Jehovah.”
No doubt, on this day we are still in a healthy condition, long life and surrounded by people who love, safety in work, activities, all of it from GOD. What can we give to GOD? Unlike the old days who had to offer sacrifices, now because of Jesus Christ only has to offer thanksgiving and good behavior.
3. 2 Corinthians 9:12
“Because the ministry of this public service is not only to provide well for the needs of the holy ones but also to be rich in many expressions of thanks to God.”
Thanksgiving is one form of our worship of God. With gratitude that means we value every work of God in our lives. Not with ordinary gratitude but from the heart and abundant with sincerity.
4. 1 Timothy 2:1
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men.”
How can we be grateful? In the book of Timothy tell us how. Namely, the main thing is to submit a request in prayer. By praying we seem to be communicating with God. We can say thank you for the good things we feel and for all those around us who also feel His generosity.
5. 1 Timothy 4:4
“For every creation of God is fine, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.”
A good gift comes from GOD. None of us has seen His gift is bad for His servants. We can see that blessing is real and good only if we are grateful. Conversely, if we are not grateful, we will not be able to see GOD so well in our lives.
6. Revelation 7:12
“Saying: “Amen! Let the praise and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen.”
Our God is so awesome. Just imagine the earth and all its contents, all the cycles in the earth go in harmony and orderly. Like a cloud that drops rainwater on the ground, until the water returns to the sky. All of His works are truly glorious. So, God deserves glory, praise, and gratitude.
7. 2 Chronicles 33:16
“He also prepared the altar of Jehovah and began to offer up communion sacrifices and thanksgiving sacrifices on it, and he told Judah to serve Jehovah the God of Israel.”
If you read in this book of Chronicles, there is an interesting story and example about the cleansing of the temple. In article 33 verse 16, in particular, they offered sacrifices for salvation and thanksgiving. They called for the worship of the God of Israel. Given this, we are very grateful because it is only through God that all goodness exists.
8. Colossians 2:7
“being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.”
As Christian parents, they must instill gratitude to God in their children. Even when he was little. Thus what he learns from his parents can continue to take root and grow stronger with faith until he grows up.
9. Yesaya 51:3
“For GOD will comfort Zion. He will bring comfort to all her ruins, And he will make her wilderness like den And her desert plain like the garden of Jehovah. Exultation and rejoicing will be found in her, Thanksgiving and melodious song.”
It is the blessing of God that brings joy to his people. In the book of Isaiah especially in chapter 51 verse 3, there are words of joy and songs of thanksgiving aloud. All of this exists because God has been with His servants from the past until now. So, we also want to make the best offerings in the form of thanksgiving to God.
10. Revelation 4:9
“Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to the One seated on the throne, the One who lives forever and ever.”
It is not only faithful servants of God who give thanks to God. In this book of revelation, we know that the creatures namely angels also offer praise to God. They give respect and thanksgiving for Him who will reign forever.
The above description is a collection of Bible verses about Thankful for Blessing. Through prayer, offerings of praise and our actions, let us be determined to be a person who is always grateful.Maybe you can mention specifically such as thanks for a long life, for a partner or loved ones, for fortune and many others. In this way, we will appreciate God more and see it as proof of God's love in you.
In many Bible verses, we will find principles, and examples from faithful servants of GOD. Call it the psalmist who wrote many words of praise for GOD. Not just ordinary words but showing deep gratitude.
Today even unconsciously, even though it may seem that our lives are suffering, God always takes care of His faithful servants. He always pays attention and gives what we need at the right time. Let's find out and explore the spiritual gems from the bible about thanksgiving in the Bible verse series below.
10 Bible Verses about Thankful for Blessing

1. Psalm 95:2
“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; Let us sing and shout in triumph to him.”
The Psalmist in one of these verses invites all Christians to sing a song of thanksgiving for GOD. with a joyful heart and rejoice, Because of His abundant blessings, surely we will be happy right?
Someone who gets thanks from someone else will be happy. Likewise, with our GOD, He will be very happy to know His servants rejoice because of Him.
2. Jonah 2:9
“But as for me, with the voice of thanksgiving, I will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will pay. Salvation is from Jehovah.”
No doubt, on this day we are still in a healthy condition, long life and surrounded by people who love, safety in work, activities, all of it from GOD. What can we give to GOD? Unlike the old days who had to offer sacrifices, now because of Jesus Christ only has to offer thanksgiving and good behavior.
3. 2 Corinthians 9:12
“Because the ministry of this public service is not only to provide well for the needs of the holy ones but also to be rich in many expressions of thanks to God.”
Thanksgiving is one form of our worship of God. With gratitude that means we value every work of God in our lives. Not with ordinary gratitude but from the heart and abundant with sincerity.
4. 1 Timothy 2:1
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made concerning all sorts of men.”
How can we be grateful? In the book of Timothy tell us how. Namely, the main thing is to submit a request in prayer. By praying we seem to be communicating with God. We can say thank you for the good things we feel and for all those around us who also feel His generosity.
5. 1 Timothy 4:4
“For every creation of God is fine, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.”
A good gift comes from GOD. None of us has seen His gift is bad for His servants. We can see that blessing is real and good only if we are grateful. Conversely, if we are not grateful, we will not be able to see GOD so well in our lives.
6. Revelation 7:12
“Saying: “Amen! Let the praise and the glory and the wisdom and the thanksgiving and the honor and the power and the strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen.”
Our God is so awesome. Just imagine the earth and all its contents, all the cycles in the earth go in harmony and orderly. Like a cloud that drops rainwater on the ground, until the water returns to the sky. All of His works are truly glorious. So, God deserves glory, praise, and gratitude.
7. 2 Chronicles 33:16
“He also prepared the altar of Jehovah and began to offer up communion sacrifices and thanksgiving sacrifices on it, and he told Judah to serve Jehovah the God of Israel.”
If you read in this book of Chronicles, there is an interesting story and example about the cleansing of the temple. In article 33 verse 16, in particular, they offered sacrifices for salvation and thanksgiving. They called for the worship of the God of Israel. Given this, we are very grateful because it is only through God that all goodness exists.
8. Colossians 2:7
“being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.”
As Christian parents, they must instill gratitude to God in their children. Even when he was little. Thus what he learns from his parents can continue to take root and grow stronger with faith until he grows up.
9. Yesaya 51:3
“For GOD will comfort Zion. He will bring comfort to all her ruins, And he will make her wilderness like den And her desert plain like the garden of Jehovah. Exultation and rejoicing will be found in her, Thanksgiving and melodious song.”
It is the blessing of God that brings joy to his people. In the book of Isaiah especially in chapter 51 verse 3, there are words of joy and songs of thanksgiving aloud. All of this exists because God has been with His servants from the past until now. So, we also want to make the best offerings in the form of thanksgiving to God.
10. Revelation 4:9
“Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to the One seated on the throne, the One who lives forever and ever.”
It is not only faithful servants of God who give thanks to God. In this book of revelation, we know that the creatures namely angels also offer praise to God. They give respect and thanksgiving for Him who will reign forever.
The above description is a collection of Bible verses about Thankful for Blessing. Through prayer, offerings of praise and our actions, let us be determined to be a person who is always grateful.Maybe you can mention specifically such as thanks for a long life, for a partner or loved ones, for fortune and many others. In this way, we will appreciate God more and see it as proof of God's love in you.